Whiplash occurs when a sudden force, such as what the body endures in an automobile accident, throws the head backwards and then forwards in one quick motion. The neck muscles move beyond their typical range of motion during this, which damages the ligaments, nerves, tendons and muscles in the neck. This type of neck trauma can produce a number of different symptoms. The neck contains seven cervical vertebrae or bones. These bones connect together with ligaments and muscles, which enable the neck to move from side to side, and backwards and forwards.
Why Does Whiplash Hurt?
The sudden force from a vehicle and other type of accident causes tears or stretches to occur in the neck muscles and tissues as the neck jerks forwards and backwards. Since the neck contains so many tendons, ligaments and muscles, the symptoms will vary between whiplash sufferers.
Symptoms of Whiplash
Sufferers of whiplash report a variety of symptoms, including:
• Neck pain
• Nausea
• Headaches
• Dizziness when they first stand up from a laying position
• Pain in the back of their eyes
• Shoulder-blade pain
• Jaw pain
• Lower-back pain
• Tenseness in their upper trapezius muscles along with pain
• Sternocleidomastoid pain
• Difficulty sleeping from the neck discomfort, which also can lead to fatigue, and irregular or difficulty thinking
• Numbness
• Pain in legs and arms
• Muscle spasms
• Anxiety
• Depression
Massage Effective Treatment Option
In the past, physicians would prescribe the wearing of a neck brace to patients with neck injuries such as whiplash. Presently, the doctors prefer stretching and massage therapy shortly after the occurrence of the injury. In fact, neck massage is the most beneficial when it is performed within the first few days of the incident.
Massage works deep in the muscles to relax their tension and relieve the pain. As a result, the patient also feels less anxious over the issue. In addition, massage increases blood flow to the area, which speeds up healing since the area will receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen in an effective manner.
Routine Treatments Are Recommended
A massage therapist or esthetician will typically recommend weekly treatments where he or she will apply gentle pressure to the affected area. The therapist may also turn to hot stone massage the relieve the muscle tension in the muscles in and around the injury. Massage therapists will instruct you to limit physical activities, hydrate with water regularly and rest whenever possible. They also send you home with stretching and massage instructions that you should follow at home in between sessions.
Work With A Professional for Best Results
When you seek a qualified massage therapist, ensure he or she has training in trigger point therapy or CranioSacral massage techniques, and has an in-depth understanding about the origins, actions and attachments of the upper-body muscles. Bellezza Spa offers luxurious signature massage services that have been proven to muscle discomfort such as our and even offers a specialized Back and Neck Relief Treatment for anyone suffering from unwanted pain. Contact Bellezza Spa online or by phone to book your next massage treatment today.