Like us, skin is far from perfect, but we can always find ways to improve it and make it better!
Sometimes the inevitable can happen to our skin such as warts, ingrown hairs, and acne. Though they can be a hassle to deal with, sometimes they are only just a minor inconvenience. Here we will discuss simple remedies that can be done to rid these imperfections:
Warts are a common skin occurrence and are caused by a viral infection on the top layer of the skin. Warts also most commonly show on hands and can be spread from person to person. This condition probably has the best remedy to make vanish and that is to leave it alone! However, if a wart is bothersome simply because of its appearance, there are over-the-counter drugs you can use to heal them faster. Also making an appointment with your doctor can speed up the process as they will probably freeze it off with liquid nitrogen.
Ingrown Hairs
Ingrown Hairs are a big phenomenon when it comes to skincare and beauty. These guys are bound to happen at least a few times in someone’s life as long as he or she is shaving. Ingrown hairs are caused by the hair curling inside the hair follicle instead of growing out of it thus causing inflammation and bumps. Home remedies to treat ingrown hairs, if they don’t go away on their own; constitute applying a warm washcloth on top of the infected follicle and doing compresses on it. Doing what you can to prevent ingrown hairs can really go a long ways and that is to make sure you use a single-bladed razor and make as few strokes as possible. Make sure to also rinse the blade off with water in between each stroke. Leave a cool washcloth on your skin when you are done shaving.
Cold Sores
Cold Sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and can be an embarrassing and unsightly to deal with. It gets messy and the blistered area becomes red, swollen, and sore. Cold sores heal on their own, but can last up to 2 weeks to do so. These will usually come about when one is feeling sick or stressed out. If you feel a cold sore coming on, the best way to prevent an outbreak is to apply medicine to it then and there. To speed up the healing process when it has already come on however, is to invest in either Abreva Cold Sore or fever blister treatment cream.
Blackheads despite popular belief don’t happen because of dirty skin. They instead occur when your hair follicles are clogged. Exfoliation is an avid recommendation to practice in order to prevent future blackheads and all other types of acne for that matter, from forming. Also using deep cleansing strips is another way to get rid of blackheads. Microdermabrasion is a facial service strongly recommended to fend off and strip clogged pores.