Facials are considered a luxury item to most, but in our handbook, they are a must. They help us relax and unwind after busy workweeks, but they also keep us young. I choose a glowing complexion, not

Facials are considered a luxury item to most, but in our handbook, they are a must. They help us relax and unwind after busy workweeks, but they also keep us young. I choose a glowing complexion, not
Vacation time is here, which means selfie galore. I’m talking about the selfies of you on the flight and landing, but if you are anything like me, those flights wreak havoc on your skin, which means
Day in and day out, we all see and hear a continuous cycle of commercials that talk about shrinking or covering up pores. Yet, what do we really know about pores? Face it; we don’t know much about
When I say royalty, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? You probably just thought about the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton. She is not only beautiful, but also flawless. And we are
As quickly as the daffodils pop up from the ground so do the skirts, rompers, and sundresses. Yet, let’s face it, we are probably not as fresh and ready to show off our skin like those daffodils. So,
Mister Winter has finally come into town and he brought some pretty harsh winds and cold air with him. Did I mention he might be here until March? Hard to predict Mister Winter’s stay, but one thing
Acne—most of us suffer from it no matter what our age, gender, or race is. Acne does not discriminate and we can all attest to that. While acne cannot be completely avoided, we can do our best to
The holidays are approaching quite fast, which means jet setting, family gatherings, parties, and tons of pictures. So, I must ask, are you ready for your close-up? The other day, as I waited to
Do you have skin redness? If you do, it is almost certainly from an inflammatory response on the part of your body's immune system. Skin inflammation is not uncommon, although when you look in the
While it is true that the downward-facing dog is beneficial for the mind, soul and body, there are other yoga moves that tone the face. Industry experts on facial yoga promote routines that helps to
Certain lifestyles lead to beautiful results. Our normal skin care regimen is not the only way to improve your skin. Have you ever heard of a flavonoid or biotins? Keep reading to learn how certain
We all love our moms, and now is the time to celebrate them. Whether you are planning a breakfast in bed, a family get together remember, it is never to late to give the perfect mother’s day gift, May
Aging - an unavoidable part of life. But just because we are getting older, doesn’t mean we can’t still look our best. It’s no secret, people who take better care of their skin have more youthful
(Allison Williams of HBO’s original series, Girls - Getty Images) We all admire the dazzling looks of our favorite Hollywood stars and celebrities. But there is something to remember - they are just
An esthetician is a skin care and treatment professional who is able to provide beauty enhancements but, can also serve as an extra set of eyes - who doesn't want extra support in keeping facial skin
It no secret that regular exfoliation, sunblock and other common skin care routines can help preserve a youthful look and appearance. But we are here to tell you - there IS a way to guarantee younger,