For those who may experience more pleasure out of giving than receiving, please take a few moments to read this entry…
Benevolence is a noble and admirable trait that is becoming rarer to find nowadays, but it can also create an adverse affect if it isn’t used properly. What this can mean is instead of genuine generosity, those who give may do so with an ulterior motive. These reasons can range from wanting to feel loved, wanting to impress, or hoping someone will reciprocate to the same degree as you have. This can create resentful relationships between you and the other person you are giving to…as they may not feel equipped or capable to give back in the same fashion. This in turn will perhaps leave you feeling unloved or unwanted. In this case, not only are you overtly and unfairly expending your altruism, but you are creating a toxic habit that can result in a tarnished relationship.
Sometimes we seek happiness by serenading others with gifts or compliments and this is OK to an extent, but if we end up neglecting ourselves in the process, then that’s when we have a problem. Balance is the key and if we can manage to compliment or give to ourselves just as much as we give to others, then we are paving a healthy path towards a high self esteem.
A Daily Dose Of “You” Time
Learn to spend time with yourself and enjoy your own company. We encourage a daily dose of “you time” which can be triggered by doing any of the following for yourself:
- Rest and don’t feel compelled to say “yes” to activities you don’t feel up to doing. Remember to remind yourself that it is OK that you are your first priority.
- Treat yourself once in a while. No need to feel guilty when it comes to looking or feeling your best!
- Post daily reminders of how much you appreciate yourself or list the reasons why you think you were put on this earth. Despite how one may think this can be self serving, it isn’t just as long as you remember to keep that balance!
- Remember, you are your company and those you choose to be around can either influence you positively or negatively over time.