If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then eyelashes are the curtains. And just as you wouldn’t hang dreary looking drapes, you don’t want to have poor looking lashes. In many different cultures, long healthy lashes are a sign of beauty and youth. Just as with wrinkles, thin lashes can add years to the face. With some simple maintenance and in the comfort of your home, you can turn your lashes from sad to stunning and look younger in the process.
The Science Behind Our Lashes
The purpose of eyelashes is to shield the eyes from debris. Just as an animal’s whiskers warn them when an object is too close to their face, eyelashes warn when an object is too close to the eye. This signals an automatic reaction to close the lid and protect the eye. More than this though, eyelashes help to shape the face’s image. Healthy lashes are strong and pliable, framing the eye while accenting its shape. Sadly, there are many outside factors that will affect the health of lashes. Most of these can be remedied with a little attention and care. This article will teach you how improve the look of your lashes.
Summer DIY Eyelash Enhancements
Pristine lashes are long and thick, much like Elizabeth Taylor’s. They provide not only an unobstructed gaze for the host, but also direct the line of sight of others to the host’s eyes. There is no need to fret if your lashes aren’t in this state. There are many easy homeopathic solutions you can do right in your own home.
Takeoff The Makeup
In order to have beautiful lashes, you must be sure that you aren’t abusing them. One of the most critical things you can do is wash your face before bed. Removing the makeup and dirt accumulated during the day allows lashes to rest and rejuvenate. It is also important not to overuse eyelash curlers or mascara. The constant bending and pulling will just leave lashes brittle.
Oil Applications
There are many different oils that can benefit lashes. Castor, olive, avocado and almond oils are all comprised of antioxidants. Applying and allowing these oils to soak into lashes helps to keep them thick and strong.
Go Nuts
Not only are nuts a healthy source of protein, they also contain high levels of B complex. This nutrient encourages hair to grow. Be sure to include almonds, peanuts and other nuts into your diet to reap the multiple benefits.
You’ve heard of the health advantages associated with drinking green tea, but did you know that applying it directly to lashes could also prove beneficial? Simply prepare the tea just as you would to drink it and grab some cotton balls. Be sure to wait for the tea to cool enough to safely place on the eyelid without letting it go cold. Then simply dip a cotton ball, place it on the eyelid and relax for ten minutes while the tea works its magic. For maximum results, repeat the process nightly and do not wash the tea off afterwards.
When Life Hands You Lemons
We’ve already told you how to use certain oils to keep lashes luscious. By adding a little lemon zest to olive and castor oil helps to increase the benefits.
Bringing in the Big Guns
Some professional beauty services will help you get the most bang for your DIY buck. Consider boosting the boldness of your lashes trying one of these home remedies and then coupling your personal eyelash TLC with one of our professional beauty services. Electing our eye lift treatment will take your facial appearance to the next level by eliminating unwanted shadows and wrinkles underneath your eyes or guarantee yourself lashes that will put your friends to shame by choosing the pedigree – mink eyelash extensions.
Why Lashes Matter
The eyes are one of the first things others will notice when they look at you. Your health, your emotions and your personality all shine through these windows. Strong, vibrant lashes will keep you looking and feeling young. It doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming to improve the look of your lashes. If you are interested in professional eyelash enhancements, set up an appointment online or call to schedule your next spa visit.